346B.115 Standard Oil Co./28: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Egypt (Fish)
145. Department’s 127, October 24, 7 p.m. A reply has been received from the Italian Government in answer to this Government’s oral protest against the bombing of the property of the California Arabian Standard Oil Company in Saudi Arabia by Italian aircraft.
The American Chargé d’Affaires in Rome has been informed by the Italian Foreign Office that the bombing was the result of a misapprehension on the part of an Italian pilot, who was of the opinion that he was flying over territory under British control. The Italian Foreign Office is stated to have added that an appropriate expression of regret had been transmitted by the Italian Government to the Government of Saudi Arabia, and that the latter Government considered the incident as closed. The official of the Italian Foreign Office making the oral communication is stated to have expressed gratification on the part of his Government that no more serious damage was sustained by the California Arabian Standard Oil Company.
In communicating the foregoing to the Saudi Arabian Government, you should refer to the inquiry you were instructed to make concerning the attitude of the Saudi Arabian Government towards this violation of its neutral rights, and state that your Government would appreciate being informed thereof.