740.00119 European War 1939/328
The French Ambassador (De Saint-Quentin) to the Under Secretary of State (Welles)
Dear Mr. Ambassador: I informed you the other day that the French Government had suggested to eleven American Republics (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela) that they transmit officially to the Holy See the text of their collective protest against the last three German acts of aggression. M. Daladier instructed me today to ask you if President Roosevelt did not think it opportune to invite the American heads of States to associate themselves with the appeal addressed by him to M. Mussolini.
It is possible that the Duce is still undecided as to the time and manner of his intervention. Considering the importance of the material and cultural interests that Italy possesses in Latin America, notably in Brazil and Argentina, a collective démarche by the several Governments of that part of the continent might have as great an influence upon the mind of M. Mussolini as American opinion.
[Page 708]Because of the urgency, I believe I should present this matter to you without waiting until my visit with you tomorrow at noon. I should appreciate it greatly if you could indicate to me by telephone what reception you feel this proposition will receive.
Accept [etc.]
- Supplied by the editors.↩