740.0011 European War 1939/4176: Telegram
The Consul at Leopoldville (Mallon) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 26—6:26 a.m.]
In reply to the Department’s telegram of June 2414 French military and civil authorities of French Equatorial Africa nearly unanimous in [Page 638] desire to continue war. The Governor General has informed the British Consul General at Leopoldville in strict confidence that he has telegraphed today all other French Governors in Africa that he is prepared to join in a solid bloc of African colonies to carry on the war regardless of any action taken by the French Government. Many French officers and civilians have expressed a desire of joining the British armed forces should the Colonial Government capitulate.
The Governor General of the Belgian Congo announced today that the Belgian Government has conferred on him full powers formerly vested in the King and Colonial Council and that he will give full support to the British in continuing the fight.