811.79680/3: Telegram
The Consul at Dakar (Wasson) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 21—2:20 a.m.]
28. The Governor General has requested the Consulate to invite American aviation companies interested in transatlantic air services to send representatives to Dakar with a view to making this city the terminus of an air line from the United States. He pointed out that Dakar has all of the facilities required, such as gasoline storage tanks, machine shops, good hotel accommodations, an excellent stretch of water for take-offs. The Governor General stated that he was glad that the Department had decided to re-establish the Consulate and he would welcome an American air service particularly so since it would put an end to all of the British-inspired rumors about Germans and German influence in French Africa. He, a grand blessé of the World War, had not driven off the British in order that the Germans might occupy Dakar and he stated that no German or Italian missions would come here.
[Page 601]I do not know whether the Governor General is in a position to make this offer without the approval of Vichy but I do not question his sincerity.