
Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by Mr. J. Rives Childs of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs

Mr. Helm telephoned me and referred to the informal discussion we had had some days previously at a casual meeting concerning the question of trade with Morocco, a question which he had originally raised on September 27 with Mr. Hickerson of Eu.72 Mr. Helm stated that the Embassy had telegraphed the British Foreign Office on October 2 stating the question of trade with Morocco under a clearing arrangement was under consideration by the Department. Mr. Helm added that the telegram had stated that the well-known opposition of the American Government to barter or clearing arrangements was an obstacle which would naturally have to be taken into account. He asked me if there was anything more that might be added.

I informed him that there had been a meeting in the Department on October 15 of certain officers interested in the question and that I did not know that there was anything to be added at this time to what he had telegraphed previously. I added that the question was still under consideration.

Mr. Helm stated that in our previous informal discussion of the subject I had suggested that there might be some helpful information which he could furnish us by way of background. I suggested that it would be interesting for us to know what arrangements the British might be making with regard to their own clearing arrangement with [Page 600] regard to Moroccan trade. Mr. Helm stated that any information he might be able to attain on the subject would be made available when received.

  1. For memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of European Affairs, see p. 594.