851.5018/33: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in France (Matthews)

484. Your 482 of September 3rd, 2 p.m.8 The French Government has now issued a categoric denial of the report regarding the agreement to deliver from unoccupied territory 58 percent of all cattle, horses and mules. Please inquire confidentially of Senator Bardoux who was indicated as the source of your information what basis he had for his statement to you.

The Department desires to ascertain whether there is a flow of foodstuffs actual or impending from unoccupied France to Germany, or to the German Army of Occupation in northern France. It understands the practical difficulties in the way of such investigation but it believes that some verification should be possible of the several rumors on this subject such as that mentioned in your 562 of September 13. It is noted from that telegram that you are convinced that not inconsiderable amounts of foodstuffs have been transferred from unoccupied France to Germany. The Department desires you to elaborate on this statement mentioning the facts on which it is based.

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With reference to your 577 of September 16, 6 p.m. regarding the report that 1500 carloads of potatoes have been shipped out of the Vichy area in response to German demands, kindly indicate the name of your informant and if possible the source of his information.

Please understand that the Department desires in all fairness to ascertain the facts of the food situation in unoccupied France. It wishes to be able to answer the question whether surplus American food products should or should not be both sold and given to relieve suffering in unoccupied France on the part of French and refugee civilian population, particularly women and children, during the coming winter months. It understands from telegrams such as your 472 of September 1st, 3 p.m.11 that you entertain no doubt that the population in question will suffer from food shortage during the months ahead unless imported foodstuffs are available. There is widespread opposition in the United States to the shipment of foodstuffs to unoccupied France if such shipments merely replace quantities of food products transferred from that area to Germany.

Your telegrams on this subject are appreciated and it is desired that you transmit all pertinent factual information including that obtainable through official and private sources, the American Red Cross and Quaker organizations.

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