851D.01/3: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Kennedy)
2628. Your 3001, September 4, 4 p.m. You may discreetly inform Admiral Muselier that while the terms of the informal agreement between the representative of this Government and Admiral Robert would permit the movement of the French vessels now in Martinique and Guadeloupe to French Guiana in case of necessity for the purpose of local administration or defense, it is provided that notification in advance of such movement shall be given through the French Embassy in Washington, as well as to the United States naval observer in Martinique.
Any overt insurrectionary movement in French Guiana which might threaten the above working arrangement or lead to naval or air action in the neutrality zone would in the opinion of this Government be unfortunate.
With regard to the arrest of Revoil and Carde upon their arrival, this appears to be a matter relating purely to the internal administration of the colony. On the other hand, any move to intern all German and Italian men of military age might, in our opinion, give rise to repercussions which would definitely and adversely affect the present balance in the Caribbean area.