740.0011 European War 1939/7090: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in France (Murphy)
844. Your telegram No. 1119, December 11, 7 p.m. The question of the B.B.C. broadcasts relating to American policy, particularly as regards France, has been taken up with the British authorities.
In this connection an interview by Jay Allen with General Wey-gand, which was published yesterday throughout the United States in a syndicated article may be cited. The General expressed himself as being very displeased at the trend of American and British propaganda as regards his departure for Africa and his command there and the apparent intention to create the false impression that there was a lack of harmony between his policies and those of Marshal Pétain. He insisted that the contrary was true and that he was in Africa to serve France, the only France, that of Marshal Pétain.
In connection with your projected visit to North Africa and your possible call upon General Weygand, I wish to recall that, as you know, there is no effort on the part of this country to create any impression that he is not acting in accord with Marshal Pétain.
As you are aware, the position of this Government is that the United States is clearly and openly opposed to the methods and dissemination of National Socialist doctrine of force and conquest. There has been no change whatsoever in the established traditional friendship of the United States for France, whose continued independence and position of leadership in the civilized world is a matter of deep concern not only to the Government but to the people of this country. At the same time it must be borne in mind that the United States is giving all possible assistance to Great Britain and to other nations that are defending their freedom. Public opinion in this country, desirous as it is of helping France in any way, would, however, not feel justified in doing [Page 421] anything that might assist the forces of destruction and aggression against England and the free nations of the world, including the United States.