740.0011 European War 1939/5434: Telegram
The Chargé in France (Matthews) to the Secretary of State
[Received 7:17 p.m.]
528. My telegram No. 475, September 2, 5 p.m.16 The French Government has now publicly announced the severance of diplomatic relations with the four Governments concerned, to which has been added Poland. The communiqué states that,
“The German Government drew the French Government’s attention to the presence of diplomatic representatives in France of Governments which no longer exercised authority in their respective countries and no longer resided there since said countries are occupied by the German Army.” The communiqué adds that the German Government had requested the French Government to put an end to the situation and that the French Government “recognized that the reasons were justified in fact due to the situation created by the armistice and that the diplomatic missions in question could not at present carry on normal activity.” The French Government therefore decided to take the requested step and “had informed the persons concerned of its decision not without regret, since it recognized their correct and courteous attitude.”
- Not printed; it reported that Baudouin, the French Foreign Minister, had informed representatives of Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, and Norway, that the French Government was compelled “temporarily” to break off diplomatic relations with their Governments (740.0011 European War 1939/5350).↩