125.0059 B/3
The Danish Minister (Kauffmann) to the Secretary of State
Sir: In your note of April 26th you have informed me that in view of the existing circumstances the United States Government is desirous temporarily to establish a consulate in Greenland, and you have asked me whether the provisional establishment of such an office would be satisfactory and whether provisional recognition might be given to the consul to be placed in charge, with jurisdiction over all of Greenland.
[Page 348]In reply I have the honor to inform you on behalf of the Governors of Northern and Southern Greenland, to whom the matter has been duly submitted by me, that the Greenland Government will feel honored to receive a United States’ consular representative in Greenland and will be pleased to grant him provisional recognition in this capacity.
The Governors have asked me to convey to you their sincere appreciation of, and their gratitude for, the interest in the welfare of Greenland shown by the United States Government, in establishing such consular office; as well as for the helpful and understanding general attitude of the United States towards Greenland’s problems in the present emergency.
I avail myself [etc.]