800.014 Antarctic/565
The Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 13.]
Sir: With reference to my despatch No. 973 of November 16, 1940,13 concerning Chilean claims in the Antarctic, I have the honor to forward a copy of a note and translation thereof which the Chilean Government sent to the Argentine Government on December 3,13 inviting the latter to initiate studies on the subject and offering the hospitality of Santiago for eventual joint discussions.
The continued interest in the Antarctic is indicated by the fact that Señor Julio Bustos Navarette, Director of the Chilean Government [Page 339] Observatory at Salto, delivered a lecture recently at the University of Chile on the importance of the Antarctic for Chile. Dr. Bustos, who limited himself almost entirely to discussing the region concerned as a field for meteorological experiment, paid high tribute to the studies made there by the Byrd Expedition.
Respectfully yours,
[In his despatch No. 1151, February 6, 1941, the Ambassador in Chile transmitted to the Department a note of January 23, 1941, from the Chilean Minister for Foreign Affairs in reply to the Ambassador’s note of December 10, 1940, presented on the basis of instructions of December 2. No definite assurance was given to the proposals of the United States regarding arrangements for participation by the American Republics in the development of the resources of the Antarctic or for calling a meeting of those Republics most directly interested. The Department decided to make no further approach to the Chilean Government since no immediate practical objective was involved. (800.014 Antarctic/584, 603)]