800.014 Antarctic/534a
The Secretary of State to President Roosevelt
My Dear Mr. President: Now that Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd has returned to the United States, I desire to bring to your attention his splendid achievement as Commanding Officer, The United States Antarctic Service. The Service, under his able direction and in pursuance of your instructions, has established two bases in the Antarctic regions, and active scientific and economic investigations at each base are either now being carried out or will be initiated as soon as weather conditions permit. The establishment of these bases, together with the noteworthy flights made by Admiral Byrd early this year, which resulted in the discovery of a great extent of hitherto unknown [Page 334] stretches of the Antarctic coast, goes far towards strengthening any territorial claims which the United States may desire to make in the American segment of the Antarctic Continent. In this connection it should be observed that West Base is situated in an area which has been claimed by New Zealand, although American activities have been extensive in that general region, and that East Base is in an area claimed by Great Britain. The United States has never recognized either British or New Zealand sovereignty in the Antarctic areas claimed by those Governments.
The accomplishments of the Antarctic Service to date have been chiefly due to the generous and loyal spirit in which Admiral Byrd placed his experienced services at the disposal of his Government, as well as to the efficient teamwork which his qualities of leadership inspired in the men under his command. The operations of The United States Antarctic Service have been a credit to the Government of the United States.
In addition to his services in the Antarctic, I also desire to bring to your attention the extent to which Admiral Byrd fostered goodwill for the United States during his sojourn in Chile. Ambassador Bowers has sent me the most glowing reports of the cordial reception given Admiral Byrd by the Chilean Government and people, and the excellent impression he made upon them as a representative citizen of this country.
Faithfully yours,