
Memorandum by Mr. Samuel Reber of the Division of European Affairs

After consultation with Mr. Long29 and Mr. Fuller30 I informed Mr. Butler orally that, in the Department’s opinion, there were two problems presented by his letter.31

The first relates to the Opium Section of the League Secretariat. The Department understood that the invention sent to the League by the three institutions of Princeton included the Opium Section. This was a private matter of which the Department had been informed but which concerned, in the first instance, the League and the organizations in Princeton. It was understood that members of the Economic Section of the League Secretariat had already accepted the invitation and were at present en route to the United States. The Department had no information to indicate whether the Opium Section would also avail itself of the Princeton invitation.
With regard to the Permanent Central Opium Board, an organization entrusted with functions under the terms of a treaty to which the United States is a party, it is understood that the Princeton invitation had not included the Permanent Central Opium Board, the officers of which at the present time were discussing the future work of the Body. The Department has not yet been informed of their decision and no approach has yet been made to this Government in regard to the matter. Until such approach has been made the Department is not in a position to give a definite indication of its position.
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Mr. Butler asked if he could be informed of the Department’s views at some later date. I said that I would communicate with him as soon as any further information were available.

  1. Breckinridge Long, Assistant Secretary of State.
  2. Stuart J. Fuller, Assistant Chief, Division of Far Eastern Affairs.
  3. Supra.