500.C/1007: Telegram

The Consul General at Geneva (Tittmann) to the Secretary of State

14. Consulate’s 13, February 1, 4 p.m. The Canadian delegate has addressed a letter to Bourquin in which he states that [Page 312]

“In the opinion of the Canadian Government it would be desirable for the Organizing Committee to defer the definition of the relationship between the Central Committee and the Advisory Committee on Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs until the latter Committee has had the opportunity to discuss the whole matter at its next meeting in May.

Should this suggestion not prove to be acceptable I am instructed to state that the Canadian Government wishes to reserve its position in respect to any changes which might be recommended by the Organizing Committee for the new Central Committee and which might affect the independence and autonomy of the Opium Advisory Committee in the exercise of its administrative and treaty functions.”
