500.C/1006: Telegram

The Consul General at Geneva (Tittmann) to the Secretary of State

13. My No. 8, January 23, noon. Canadian delegate has telegraphed his Government pointing out that the memorandum mentioned in the telegram under reference could not arrive in Geneva before meeting [Page 311] at The Hague on February 7 and suggesting that Canadian Minister at The Hague present Canadian Government’s views there. The telegram continues as follows:

“I am informed Secretary General suggests that Organizing Committee might leave definition of relationship between Committees to first meeting Central Committee on which Canada would presumably be represented or alternatively might reserve treaty and administrative functions of Advisory Committee. He thinks that Central Committee should be the forum accrediting [forum for] general discussion of narcotics problems as the Committee of the Assembly has been.

I am of the opinion that complete separation of narcotics work from Central Committee undesirable and in any case would not be agreed to. I would suggest asking Bourquin (Chairman of Organizing Committee) for statement of constitution and special functions of Advisory Committee rather than hope for self-denying action by Central Committee.”
