811.24 Raw Materials/955: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Kennedy)
876. Your 1220, May 15. As in the case of rubber54 there is a definite intention of increasing tin stocks in this country as rapidly [Page 292] as possible, and arrangements for doing so are being worked out both through the private tin consuming industries and through Government agencies. Specific instructions on this point are in preparation and will be communicated to you at least within a few days. There is no doubt, however, but that the Department will request that all quota restrictions on tin be removed for the third quarter and from the date of the Tin Committee meeting if possible, and that at the same time it will be in a position to give at least general assurances that all of the tin available above current consumption requirements will be acquired for reserve stocks in this country, probably both by the Government and by the industry.
No doubt you will have an opportunity to prepare the way for more definite proposals along these lines later, bearing in mind that in all probability both the Government and private industry will expect to secure especially favorable prices on bulk purchases for reserve stocks.