840.48 Refugees/2115
The Chargé in the Dominican Republic (Hinkle) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 2.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Legation’s despatch no. 1180 of March 21, 194053 in which it was reported that the Executive had been granted the power to establish immigration quotas by Law 220 of February 24, 1940.
No announcement, either in the press or in the issues of the Official Gazette which have appeared to date, has been published concerning the setting of any quotas, and it is believed that none have officially been established. However, a German refugee at present residing in Ciudad Trujillo has received the following letter from the Secretary of State for the Interior and Police in response to his request for permission for the entry of his wife and child. It reads in translation:
“In answer to your letter you are informed that in view of the fact that the quota established for individual Semitic immigrants in the [Page 221] Republic has been already filled, your application for the immigration of your relatives into this country should be made through the Dominican Republic Settlement Association of 165 Broadway, New York.”
The conclusion to be drawn from this letter is that Article 3 of Law 220 is to be used to bar absolutely from entry into the Dominican Republic all persons of Semitic origin who do not come here under the auspices of a settlement association. Any indications to the contrary will be promptly reported.
Respectfully yours,
- Not printed.↩