740.00111A Combat Areas/167

Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State (Berle)

The Canadian Minister15 called to see me at eleven o’clock today, at his request. He wished informally, but officially, to ascertain our attitude regarding the establishment of a British contraband control station in Canada. Dr. Skelton16 and he had been to lunch at the British Embassy the previous day; Lord Lothian had requested their [Page 11] view. He indicated that the Canadian government was not pleased at learning that the establishment of a contraband control station in Canada had been discussed for some time by the British government and mentioned informally to us, although the Canadian government had not been consulted until Lord Lothian threw it out thus casually.

The Minister asked whether we would care to let him know our attitude towards such a control station. He added that in his personal view the Canadians might not be too happy at having to assume the onus of that kind of a station, which might affect the special friendship which existed between the United States and Canada.

I said that while I had heard that the matter had been discussed occasionally, I did not believe that this government had determined its policy and that I therefore was not in a position to give him our attitude. I would, however, take the matter up with the Department and would endeavor to communicate with him.

A. A. Berle, Jr.
  1. Loring Christie.
  2. Canadian Under Secretary of State for External Affairs.