740.00111 A.R.–Subs/2: Telegram

The Ambassador in Argentina (Armour) to the Secretary of State

210. For the Under Secretary. Your telegram 102, June 11, 6 p.m. This matter fully discussed in my confidential air mail despatch 750 of June 7 which should reach you tomorrow.

In my last talk with the Foreign Minister the question of the British Ambassador’s preoccupation regarding Italian submarines came up and Cantilo intimated that the entry of Italy into the war may require his Government to reconsider its position. I expect to see Cantilo tomorrow and unless you advise me to the contrary shall discuss the matter again along the lines of the last paragraph of your telegram.

The President’s and Foreign Minister’s concern over Vargas’ speech yesterday (telegram 209, June 12, noon15) may make approach through Brazilian Government suggested in my despatch 750 inadvisable at least until Brazil’s representation is further clarified.

  1. Printed in Vol. v , in section under Brazil entitled “Repercussions of a Speech by President Vargas of Brazil, Delivered June 11, 1940.”