740.00111 A.R./1018: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery)

114. On April 19 the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Argentina discussed with Armour a proposal described briefly hereinafter. The purposes and objectives of the Argentine Government in formulating this proposal were in some ways clarified by the Argentine Ambassador in Washington to the Department in accordance with instructions received from Dr. Cantilo on April 22.90 After consideration, the conclusion was reached that this Government could not adopt or support the proposal made by the Argentine Government and instructed Armour to transmit to the Argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs the reply of this Government in the form of an aide-mémoire. This aide-mémoire was handed to the Minister for Foreign Affairs on April 25. Dr. Cantilo stated that his Government would not insist upon the term “non-belligerency”, but that he and President Ortiz felt that some procedure along the lines proposed might have a beneficial effect. Dr. Cantilo, however, appeared to have nothing concrete to suggest.

The same day that Armour transmitted the aide-mémoire embodying our Government’s reply, President Ortiz in an interview with the [Page 756] Brazilian Ambassador at which Dr. Cantilo was present, outlined the plan to Rodríguez Alves along the same lines that it had been presented to us. The President requested Rodríguez Alves to proceed personally to Rio to lay the matter before his government. Rodríguez Alves told the President that he felt reasonably sure his government would not be disposed to accept such a radical proposal, but he does not feel he can well refuse to comply with the request to go to Rio in view of Ortiz’s insistence. The Brazilian Ambassador has informed Armour that he intends to submit to Dr. Ortiz a memorandum of what he understands his proposal to be, in order to have something definite to present to his Government. Dr. Rodríguez Alves has also informed Armour that upon arrival at Rio on April 29 he will either see you or suggest to Aranha that you be kept informed of the Brazilian attitude.

The text of the aide-mémoire embodying this Government’s views is as follows:

[Here follows text transmitted in telegram No. 65, April 24, 5 p.m., to the Ambassador in Argentina, printed on page 752.]

You are requested please to keep the Department currently informed by telegram of any developments.

  1. See memorandum by the Under Secretary of State, April 22, p. 745.