124.60M/24: Telegram

The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Thurston) to the Secretary of State

1019. Department’s 437, August 13, 7 [6] p.m. I saw Lozovski this noon and conveyed to him orally the essential points of the telegram cited.

With respect to our desire for general prolongation until October 1st of the time within which American official establishments in the Baltic States are to be closed, Lozovski demurred, although promising to refer the matter to the government.

He inquired how many citizens we have in that area and when I told him that I believed that they probably do not exceed 100 he stated that such a small number could be evacuated quickly and that he saw no need for us to keep our offices open as late as we had proposed. I pointed out that I had mentioned not only American citizens but American interests as well as the liquidation of the offices themselves, but he made no further comment. As to the retention after October 1st of a consular establishment at Riga, he stated that in view of the importance of the suggestion it would be discussed by the Government and its decisions would be [communicated to us?].

I infer from Lozovski’s general demeanor that we may receive an extension of the time limit proposed for the closing of our establishments [Page 422] in the Baltic capitals and I felt it necessary, to facilitate this, to make it clear that we did not insist on the precise date October 1 as the minimum of our demands in this respect. I also believe that the Soviets may be disposed to work out an arrangement with us regarding the retention of the consular branch office at Riga although Lozovski as I have indicated made no commitment in this respect.

In this connection it is my understanding that the British and Italian Embassies probably will request an extension of the time set by the Soviet Government.
