740.0011 European War 1939/4093: Telegram

The Chargé in Estonia (Leonard) to the Secretary of State

71. Policy of the new government announced, being similar to that previously announced in Latvia,52 emphasis being placed on friendly [Page 380] relations with the Soviet Union and carrying out of the Soviet-Estonian mutual assistance pact in the interests of the common people, and to “support and maintain normal relations with all countries” on which will be based the independence and protection of Estonia.

New elections for Parliament are announced and reforms in local governments, as well as assurance of rights of racial minorities, and emphasis is placed on improving labor conditions and the position of the working classes and intelligentsia.

  1. A new Latvian Cabinet had been formed on June 20, with Augusts Kirchensteins as Prime Minister and interim Foreign Minister. He was described as being “an active member of the Latvian Society for the Study of Soviet Culture.”