740.0011 European War 1939/5177: Telegram

The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Thurston) to the Secretary of State

1039. The Military Attaché50 informs me that from reliable sources he has learned that there are no further movements of troops to the territories adjacent to Finland and that apparently the concentration of 30 divisions in that area reported in the Embassy’s 1009, August 13, 10 a.m.49 (20 divisions on the Finnish frontier and 10 in Estonia) have been completed. He also states that it is reported that there have been certain movements in the last few days into Soviet-occupied Poland and Lithuania. The extent of these movements however is not known.

It is believed that the movement of troops to the Soviet borders is designed to reinforce the border troops in order to cover any operation which the Soviet Government might undertake against Finland, the date of which, it is believed will depend in the first instance on the development of the German offensive against England.

Repeat to the War Department.

  1. Maj. Ivan D. Yeaton.
  2. Not printed.