860D.00B/217: Telegram

The Minister in Finland (Schoenfeld) to the Secretary of State

355. Following telegram has been sent [to] Embassy Moscow.

August 7, 1 p.m. Your 97147 to the Department and previous telegrams. No evidence has come to my attention of action by the Finnish authorities justifying charges of persecution made in the Soviet press. 1 should appreciate your telegraphing me on the basis of your observation of developments leading up to the absorption of the Baltic States whether recent reports and comment in Soviet newspapers regarding Finnish affairs may be considered similar enough to those preceding annexation of those countries to warrant the belief that they reflect similar intentions with regard to Finland.

Repeated to Department as my No. 355.

  1. In this telegram of August 6, 11 a.m., the Chargé in the Soviet Union had reported Soviet press comments on alleged persecution in Finland of the Society for Peace and Friendship between Finland and the Soviet Union and on hardships imposed on Finnish workers. (860D.00B/216)