860D.6359 International Nickel Co./7: Telegram

The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Thurston) to the Secretary of State

822. Embassy’s telegram 779, June 29; Embassy’s 790, July 2, 3 p.m.38 I have been informed by the Swedish Minister that on June 23 the Finnish Minister was invited to call at the Kremlin where he was notified by Molotov that the Soviet Government desired to acquire the Petsamo nickel mines. When the Finnish Minister pointed out that these mines are Canadian-owned Molotov stated that of course he was aware of that fact but that the Finnish Government undoubtedly would find it possible to arrange matters.

On June 28 Molotov again summoned the Finnish Minister and after inquiring why no answer has been made to his representations regarding the nickel mines, informed him that the Soviet Government was preoccupied over the status of the Åland Islands. He stated, however, that it did not contemplate occupying them but that it must require that all fortifications erected thereon by the Finnish Government be razed at once and that a “Soviet Consulate” be established at Mariehamn.

It is Mr. Assarsson’s impression that while the Finnish Government has accepted the new Soviet demands with respect to the Åland Islands the status of the nickel mines is as yet undetermined.

Repeated to Helsinki.

  1. Neither printed.