
Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State (Berle) to the Chief of the Division of Current Information (McDermott)

I still think we ought to do something more about stating that we do recognize the Belgian Government now at London.

A press release relating the fact that we still have a Chargé d’Affaires accredited to that Government may help somewhat; but I feel that at some appropriate time, perhaps by a “planted” question, the inquiry ought to be made whether there is a Belgian Government in existence which we recognize, and where; and that the answer ought to be made by the Secretary that the Belgian Government is now functioning at London; that we have a Chargé d’Affaires accredited to it; and that it operates exactly as do the governments of Norway and Holland—or some similar statement.

A. A. Berle, Jr.

[A handwritten note by Howard Bucknell, Jr., Assistant Chief of the Division of Current Information, appears at the bottom of this document inquiring of Mr. Berle if he had seen the press release of November 29, and whether he thought that this covered the matter to which he referred. The press release reads as follows: “The resignation of the Honorable John Cudahy as American Ambassador to Belgium does not leave this Government without representation near the Belgian Government, as it will be recalled that Theodore C. Achilles has been appointed and is acting as Chargé d’Affaires ad interim near the Belgian Government in London.”]