121.840 Welles, Sumner/105: Telegram
The Chargé in France (Murphy) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 9—12 noon.]
316. From Welles: I have just concluded a long and particularly helpful and interesting interview with Paul Reynaud, the Minister of Finance. I left with him a copy of the 3-paragraph memorandum21 and in my presence he dictated an official statement to the press to be issued today expressing entire concurrence of the French Government in the views therein contained. He told me that he felt the issuance of this statement by his own Government at this time was particularly desirable in order to counteract contrary views which were being formulated by various groups within and without the legislative branch of the Government. He said that you and I would recognize that he had shown in practice his devotion to the principles contained in this memorandum and that he believed the policy therein set forth was the only policy which could promise any hope for a lasting and durable peace when the moment for the establishment of such a peace arrived. [Welles.]