811.51/4029: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in the Netherlands (Gordon)

86. Treasury informs us that the Netherlands and Belgian Governments are considering advising their nationals to destroy American securities in their possession where there is danger that such securities might be lost or captured. In such cases the governments mentioned will probably advise the owners to accomplish the destruction in the [Page 197] presence of an appropriate notary or judicial officer and also a responsible official of a bank, preferably one whose signature is on file with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It is further intended to have the owner and these witnesses certify to the securities so destroyed, identifying them appropriately, and to request authentication of the signature of the government officer by a consular [consul?] of the United States, after which such certificates of destruction would be left with the consul to be forwarded to the United States by pouch.

You are authorized to receive such certificates and to authenticate the signatures of appropriate government officials who have witnessed such destruction. In cases of importance and if circumstances permit you may, if requested, witness such destruction and state that fact in the document. You may also transmit such certificates by pouch. If requested execute in triplicate retaining one copy, giving one copy to interested party and forwarding original to Department. You should point out that authentication and transmission of such a document does not constitute an assurance that the destroyed securities will be replaced, but only creates documentary evidence which might be of assistance in case replacement is later sought. You should also make it clear that while every care will be taken to ensure the safe transmission and custody of such certificates the United States Government and its officers accept no responsibility in that connection.

Repeat to Consul General at Amsterdam, and to Consul at Rotterdam if practicable.
