740.0011 European War 1939/2830: Telegram
The Chargé in Germany (Kirk) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 11—7:45 a.m.]
1286. Embassy’s 1265, May 10, 9 a.m., and 1276, May 10, 11 a.m.56 Following is a translation of a note verbale delivered by the Belgian Embassy to the Foreign Office this afternoon:
“The King’s Embassy has the honor to protest in the most energetic manner against the aggression of which for the second time in 25 years Belgium is the victim on the part of Germany.
The Government of the Reich solemnly confirmed on October 13, 1937, its determination to make no attempt on the inviolability and the integrity of Belgium ‘in all circumstances and to respect at all times Belgian territory except needless to say in the case in which Belgium in an armed conflict in which Germany finds herself engaged should take part in a military action against her.’ Germany of her own accord solemnly renewed this pledge on August 26, 1939, on the eve of the present conflict.
Since the declaration of October 13, 1937, Germany has many times paid tribute to the innocuousness of the attitude of Belgium. During the course of the present conflict Belgium has not ceased to observe the most scrupulous neutrality. The King’s Embassy rejects therefore with indignation the tendentious reasons forged to meet the needs of the case which were set forth in the memorandum given to the Belgian Ambassador on the 10th of this month at 6 o’clock in the morning by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Reich.
The Belgian Embassy desires again to recall that at the moment when the war threatened to break out the King of the Belgians joining with other heads of state and more particularly with the Queen of the Netherlands did everything to avert it; in November last he renewed with this same sovereign his efforts to put an end thereto.
This new aggression by Germany deprived of all justification will shock violently the universal conscience. The Reich will carry the responsibility therefor in history.
In consequence of the foregoing the King’s Embassy begs the Minister of Foreign Affairs to return without delay the necessary passports for the Belgian Ambassador and his family as well as for those persons in his service of non-German nationality, likewise for all the members of the diplomatic mission, their families and their non-German persons.”
I understand that the Belgian Ambassador has asked to proceed to Switzerland and that the Embassy is also requesting permission for the Belgian consular personnel in Germany and the Belgian officials in Copenhagen and Oslo to leave. I should appreciate immediate advices as to the plans which are being made for the departure of the German diplomatic and consular officers in Belgium as it may be assumed that the German authorities will consider those plans in arranging for the departure from Germany of Belgian representatives.
- Latter not printed.↩