856.001W64/52⅓: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in the Netherlands (Gordon)

66. Your 146, May 7, 11 p.m. The President desires me to say that any request from the Princess Royal for the despatch of a cruiser will of course be regarded as equivalent to a request from the Queen herself. The President suggests that in the interest of the safety of the Princess and of her family it would be wise for them to consider travelling by way of France to Lisbon where this government has based at this present moment a cruiser which could transport the royal family to the United States.

Any ship in the channel is of course liable to air attack.

Please inform the Queen that the President in line with his previous message will do everything possible to assure the safety of the Princess’s family in the event that an emergency arises.51

  1. The Minister in the Netherlands replied in telegram No. 151, May 9, 1940, noon, that the Queen had requested that her warm appreciation of his message be conveyed to the President (856.001W64/52⅔).