
Statement by the Adviser on Political Relations (Hornbeck)87

Reference, the British Embassy’s aide-mémoire of January 24 on the subject of a proposed currency loan for assistance to China and parallel action.

The American Government is giving consideration to the matters dealt with in the note under reference. Meanwhile, the Under Secretary, referring to the statement made by him to the British Chargé d’Affaires on January 10, wishes to make sure that it was and is understood by the British Embassy and the British Foreign Office that in what he, the Under Secretary, said to the Chargé, he was participating in a confidential conversation and he, on behalf of the American Government, was not promising that this Government would take steps toward assisting China such as were expressly under discussion. The Under Secretary wished to enter a caveat against there being brought to light in discussions in other than British confidential circles, any account of what has been said thus far by this Government in regard to this subject.

  1. Copy of informal memorandum of oral statement made to the British Chargé on January 27.