
The Secretary of State to the Japanese Ambassador (Horinouchi)

Excellency: During recent years the Government of the United States has been examining the treaties of commerce and navigation in force between the United States and foreign countries with a view [Page 559] to determining what changes may need to be made toward better serving the purposes for which such treaties are concluded. In the course of this survey, the Government of the United States has come to the conclusion that the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United States and Japan which was signed at Washington on February 21, 1911,53 contains provisions which need new consideration. Toward preparing the way for such consideration and with a view to better safeguarding and promoting American interests as new developments may require, the Government of the United States, acting in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Article XVII of the treaty under reference, gives notice hereby of its desire that this treaty be terminated, and, having thus given notice, will expect the treaty, together with its accompanying protocol,54 to expire six months from this date.

Accept [etc.]

Cordell Hull