793.94 Advisory Committee/170: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

471. Following is Embassy’s translation of note received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under date of July 26:

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the American Embassy and, in relation to the indiscriminate bombing by Japanese planes of the civilian population of this country, has the honor to observe that the Council of the League of Nations passed at its one hundred and fifth session on May 27, 1939, a resolution of which the last paragraph reads:

‘Invites the Governments of the states represented on the Council and on the Far East Advisory Committee having official representatives in China to inform themselves as fully as possible as to cases of bombing by Japanese aircraft of civilian populations in China and to furnish without delay to the Council information so obtained.’

The Ministry recalls that, although the United States is not a member of the League of Nations, it has sent officials to attend the various sessions of the Far East Advisory Committee as observers; and is of the opinion that the Government of the United States will surely not refrain from participation and cooperation as this matter concerns the joint united action of humanitarianism and joint adherence to the principles of aerial warfare contained in international law.

Now, the Council of the League of Nations will hold its next session at Geneva in the near future. The Ministry has the honor to enclose a copy of the resolution referred to above and to request that action be taken in the matter. The Ministry should be especially grateful for the information of the Embassy’s action in the matter.

In relation to the facilitating of information on the above subject, the Chinese Government is naturally willing to accord such facilities as are needed.”

Repeated to Peiping; Peiping mail to Tokyo.
