793.94 Advisory Committee/156: Telegram

The Consul at Geneva (Bucknell) to the Secretary of State

150. My telegram No. 146, May 23, 4 p.m.45 The following is the resolution agreed to by the Drafting Committee this morning for presentation to the full Council:

  • “I. The Council,
    Referring to the resolution and reports hitherto adopted by the Assembly and the Council relating to the appeal of the Chinese Government;
    Having heard the statement of the Chinese representative at the Council’s meeting on May 22, 1939;
    Continuing to view with great concern the grave situation in the Far East created by Japanese aggression;
    Renewing its expression of profound sympathy with China in her heroic struggle for the maintenance of her independence and territorial integrity threatened by the Japanese invasion, and in the suffering which is hereby inflicted on her people;
    Deeming it desirable that measures of aid to China, including relief measures and such measures as may from time to time be found practicable should be made as effective as possible;
    Following with interest the growing solidarity of action on the part of several states directly concerned in dealing with recent developments in the Far East;
    Noting with satisfaction that a number of states have taken certain measures in aiding China;
    Expressing the hope that such measures will be continued and that the resolutions previously adopted by the Assembly and the Council will be further implemented;
    Invites the members of the League particularly those directly concerned in the Far East, in consultation with the Far East Advisory Committee, to examine the possibilities of the practical application of the measures above referred to.
  • II. The Council,
    Having regard to the resolution of the Assembly of September 28, 193746 solemnly condemning the aerial bombardment of open towns in China by aircraft;
    Taking note of the statement of the Chinese representative relating to the recent cases of ruthless attacks by Japanese aircraft on Chinese civilian populations resulting in an appalling loss of life;
    Recalling the resolution adopted by the Assembly on September 30, 1938 by which the Assembly taking note of the Chinese Government’s request for the despatch of an international committee to examine cases of the bombing from the air of civilian populations in China, recommends that the Council should take any such appeal into consideration;
    Takes note with interest of the statement of the Chinese representative that a number of states members of the League or not have taken steps to discourage or prevent the supply of aircraft to Japan;
    Invites the Governments of the states represented on the Council and on the Far East Advisory Committee having official representatives in China to inform themselves as fully as possible as to cases of bombing by Japanese aircraft of civilian populations in China and to furnish without delay to the Council information so obtained.”

Maisky47 proposed that full summaries of the reports received under the last paragraph be published by the League from time to time. This point has not yet been decided upon and the proposal will be placed before the Council for decision.

  1. Not printed; it gave the text of draft resolution urged by the Chinese representative, similar to but somewhat stronger than text quoted in this telegram. The most important recommendation omitted in the revised draft provided that member states should refrain from supplying Japan with aircraft and petroleum (793.94 Advisory Committee/154).
  2. Foreign Relations, Japan, 1931–1941, vol. i, p. 506.
  3. Ivan Mikhailovich Maisky, Soviet Ambassador to the United Kingdom, temporarily Soviet delegate to a meeting of the League of Nations.