300.115(39)/253: Telegram

The Consul General at Hamburg (Keblinger) to the Secretary of State

222. Your 136, November 10, 7 p.m. Assurances regarding non-reexport of cargoes of 33 vessels detained by German prize control authorities have been delivered to Prize Commissioner. Assurances for Swedish SS Werna, consignees Cellulose Sales Company, New York, and Finnish Airisto and Nagu, consignees Pulp Sales Corporation, have not yet been received. SS Novasli and Brosund for which Department telegraphed assurances to Stockholm have now been detained.

Ten vessels including Hulda Thorden have now been released as reported by Embassy at Berlin. Korsnaes and Everoja committed to Prize Court proceedings. Delaware and Frode may be released shortly. Prize Commissioner has informed me that decision on conditions for release remaining vessels now rests entirely with Central Authorities at Berlin. These are the Danish Olga S, Svanhild, Herta Maersk, Brosund, Gorm; the Swedish Condul, Trolleholm, Tom, Rita, Kjell, Vera, Werner; the Finnish Asta, Airisto, Nagu, Zephyr, Dione; the Norwegian Kari, Fana, Novasli, Geisha; the Latvian Gundega, Kegums; the Estonian Osmussaar. I have ceased telegraphing names of detained vessels since ship owners are apparently informing Department without delay. Embassy at Berlin is being kept fully informed.
