Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Hugh S. Gumming, Jr., of the Division of European Affairs
Mr. Solanko96 called this morning and said that the Legation had received a telegram from the Foreign Office at Helsinki asking that the assistance of the American Government be obtained in endeavoring to secure the release of eight Finnish vessels carrying cargoes of cellulose, etc., for the United States, which are now being held by Germany at Swinemünde.
Mr. Solanko said that these eight vessels represented a relatively high percentage of the total tonnage of the Finnish merchant marine, and it was important to Finnish commerce, particularly with the United States, that the vessels be released as soon as possible. He said that his Government felt that the United States also had an interest in the matter since the cargo was destined to this country.
After consulting Mr. Hickerson97 I telephoned Mr. Solanko and told him that this Government had already addressed an inquiry to Berlin regarding two of the vessels, namely, the Minna and the Marghareta.