740.00111A Combat Areas/56

Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of the Division of European Affairs (Moffat)

The Swedish Minister called to ask if there had been any developments with relation to his representations that the combat area be modified so as to permit American ships to continue from Bergen to Goteborg through territorial waters. I replied that I had heard of no plan to modify the combat area as the Minister desired, and personally felt that with increase in the damage done by mines such a modification would be difficult to justify. The Minister then said that the Scantic Line was urging him to intensify his representations, but that he had told them that they were an American company and should approach their own Government directly. He therefore wanted it made clear that he was not expressing the Scantic Line’s [Page 714] views, but the views of his own Government as telegraphed some weeks ago.

P[ieerepont] M[offat]