693.116/166: Telegram
The Consul General at Tientsin (Caldwell) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 18—1:30 p.m.]
195. With reference to importation of Zenith radios mentioned in my telegram No. 178, September 14, 3 p.m. and despatches 662, September 22 [21], 663, September 22 and 668, October 7,10 a communication dated October 14 from the Superintendent of Customs quotes an instruction from Bureau of Communications at Peiping acknowledging receipt of the Superintendent’s request for authorization to permit the importation of Zenith radio receivers “in accordance with the application” and stating that “the chairman” has now issued instructions “that as the restriction orders were issued long ago, the importation should be suspended and no further permission granted”.
Receivers in question were ordered June 22, but import permit application was not made until September 13, the date on which this office received the first intimation that there was a dead-line for the receipt of applications (which, incidentally, was later stated to be September 5). The unreasonableness of this ruling was admitted by a Japanese consular officer who on September 29 assured a member of my staff that this importer would receive the same treatment as other importers.
A copy of the communication from the Superintendent of Customs is being mailed.11
Repeated to Peiping, Chungking, Shanghai, by land wire to Tokyo.