394.1153 Smith Company, Werner G./48: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Shanghai (Lockhart)

501. Your 1117, August 16, 5 p.m., and Nanking’s 151, August 17, 5 p.m., wood oil.

When you next have occasion to see the Japanese Consul General in regard to this matter, please say that the American authorities do not admit that the Japanese authorities have any right to requisition American property in China. So far as the American firm is concerned, the question must be one of voluntary sale.
With the foregoing consideration in mind, the Department desires that the American Consul at Hankow, if he has not already done so, place before Werner G. Smith Company the tentative offer of purchase made through the Japanese Consul General at Shanghai. The American Consul at Hankow should report the attitude of the company to the Department, Tokyo, Shanghai and Nanking.

Please repeat to Tokyo, Nanking and Hankow.
