811.30 Asiatic Fleet/468: Telegram
The First Secretary of Embassy in China (Salisbury) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 27—4 a.m.]
466. [Following to Chefoo:] Your July 25, 2 p.m., has been repeated to Tokyo. Embassy is pleased that both incidents are settled but notes that 5 days elapsed between the occurrence of first incident and your reporting thereon and that without obtaining instructions you took formal action involving acceptance of conditions in the first incident including formal expression of regrets by you as American Consul. In this particular connection, the Embassy is of the opinion that expression of the regrets of Admiral Yarnell, if authorized by him, would more appropriately have been made by an American naval officer.
[Page 161]- 2.
- Please report fully concerning both incidents including information as to whether the terms of settlement of the first incident, which appear to involve commitments by the United States Navy, were authorized by Admiral Yarnell.
- 3.
- Sent to Chefoo; repeated to Hankow, Tokyo.