893.102S/1660: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Shanghai (Lockhart)
Washington, August 10, 1938—5
482. Your 1070, August 5, 6 p.m., in regard to Chinese terrorist.
- 1.
- Your 1042, July 28, 10 p.m.,83 reported that the Chinese in question “was handed over to the Japanese authorities.” Your 1070 states that you are informed that the action of the Shanghai Municipal authorities was based on paragraph 6 of the proclamation quoted in your 992, July 14, 6 p.m.82 That paragraph provides merely for the expulsion from the Settlement of persons referred to therein.
- 2.
- So far as the record available to the Department is concerned the action of the Municipal authorities was not in accordance with their own regulations and the Department would appreciate your comment upon this apparent discrepancy.