693.001/399: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew)
393. Your 711, November 7, 8 p.m., and previous, in regard to equality of opportunity. With regard to the general question of the principle of equality in the Far East, the Department suggests that, if and as opportune occasions arise, the Embassy in its discretion point out to Japanese officials that this Government is anxious to contribute toward improvement of international relations and restoration of international order, thereby arresting the present trend toward international anarchy; that this Government advocates faithful observance of international agreements and adjustment of problems in international relations by processes of peaceful negotiation and agreement; that this Government, in the belief that a normal expansion of foreign commerce will improve world economic conditions, raise and enrich living standards, and promote better and more harmonious relations among nations, has pursued a trade policy the object of which has been and is to induce all countries to remove or lower restrictions upon the exchanging of goods in international trade; that the people of this country believe in and the American Government has always [Page 96] been guided by the principle of equality of commercial opportunity; that in our opinion an endeavor by any country in any part of the world to establish in favor of itself a preferred position in another country is incompatible with the maintenance of our own and the establishment of world prosperity; that we feel that no one government can with warrant expect to make its will and desires exclusive and conclusive throughout an important and extensive area of the world; and that we believe that an endeavor on the part of any government to do that, irrespective of the motive, is bound to be injurious not only to other countries but in the long run to its own country and itself.