693.001/395: Telegram

The Consul at Tsingtao (Sokobin) to the Secretary of State

15. 1. The chief of the Japanese special naval mission which office has controlled the shipments in and out of Tsingtao and which is responsible [Page 93] for the complaints of local American firms is being recalled. There is some reason to believe that his recall is directly connected with the protests of the foreign governments and it has been reported that the Tokyo authorities have given orders that within a period of 2 months the port of Tsingtao must be made completely open to foreign trade without the restrictions which the Japanese have imposed in recent months.

2. The signs of a relaxation are believed to be also due to complaints by Japanese merchants that the naval mission’s restrictions had caused Shantung export produce to flow toward Tientsin and not to Tsingtao.

3. It is somewhat early to state definitely that interference with our trade will cease immediately with the recall of the chief of the mission but there are signs that our Government’s protest has made a deep impression in Japanese quarters.

4. Repeated to Peiping.
