540.61B3/269: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul at Geneva (Bucknell)

105. Your 188, September 10, 10 p.m. For Everett.

[Page 969]
A procès-verbal as explained in 188 is acceptable to this Government
It is important that the procès-verbal should be in form for signature on the part of countries which have signed but not ratified the Convention of 1933, in conformity with paragraphs 2 and 3 of Department’s 103 of September 9, 4 p.m., as well as in form for signature on the part of countries which are already bound by the Convention by ratification or definitive adherence.
The Department understands that of the signatory countries of the Convention, Albania, Finland, France, Panama, and Uruguay as well as the United States have not ratified. The representatives of these countries at the conference might associate themselves with you in regard to the point covered by paragraph 2 of this telegram.