760F.62/1162: Telegram
The Minister in Czechoslovakia (Carr) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 27—1:20 p.m.]
245. Officer in charge evacuation plans, reflecting views of Minister of Foreign Affairs, told me this morning that they do not consider that gates to solution of Czech-German problem are entirely closed. While complaining over unbelievable sacrifice demanded, he stated that as long as Hitler had not marched in last night, as had been feared, reliance is being placed upon restraining influence of France and England. While absolutely no optimism over the situation exists belief from source quoted is that catastrophe may yet be averted. Method of so doing, however, not yet in evidence. People are keeping up their nerve.
From Military Attaché.
Hitler’s plan as presented on map at Godesberg would render Czechoslovakia practically defenseless from military point of view. Most east-west communications would be cut. All industrial areas taken or threatened. A bottleneck only 20 to 30 miles wide would be left between Bohemia and Moravia. Details are like demands of victorious nation over vanquished.