760F.62/1102: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Kennedy) to the Secretary of State

1030. I have just talked with Halifax. He gave me two items of great secrecy. The first is that Chamberlain definitely promised Daladier that if the French go to war the English will definitely go with them. This is the first definite assurance they have given the French. The second item is that they have sent a very vigorous note to Warsaw telling them not to try and get any more from the Czechs than Beneš has advised them he is willing to give them. If they ask for more the British say they will regard it as an unfriendly act.

Other items will not be granted: the Prime Minister intends to broadcast tomorrow night and is contemplating including America in the broadcast. As you know they are calling Parliament on Wednesday and then, if the worst has happened, they expect to pass rapid legislation to protect themselves. The Prime Minister will make his speech Wednesday afternoon. Hore-Belisha at lunch today said he was still willing to bet a hat that Hitler will back down. It is the only encouraging note there is.
