863.00/1515: Telegram
The Chargé in Austria (Wiley) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:30 p.m.]
102. Hitler left for Germany last night, press announces he will return for country-wide plebiscite campaign. Jews excluded from vote in plebiscite, text of which to read “Do you adhere to our leader Adolf Hitler and thus to the reunion of Austria with the German Reich which was carried through on March 13, 1938?”
Appointment Seyss-Inquart as Reichstatthalter77 now officially announced. Steinhausel implicated in Dollfuss assassination now Chief of Police Vienna. Frick78 and Schacht79 in Vienna.
Process of taking over Austrian police in German system under way. Numerous police and gendarmerie formations sworn in today. Rumored transfer to North Germany of large numbers Austrian police whose place is to be filled by Reich police.
Regarding army see Military Attaché’s telegrams.
Reports of arrests and details of Nazi “clean up” which reach the Legation are identical with those in the American press. This is period of efficient terrorism. Comprehensive list of “enemies” had been carefully prepared. Money and private property being seized wholesale. Jewish department stores plundered. Suicides continue. Last night Major Fey killed wife and child and self.
Large percentage “non-Aryans” in Vienna implies situation of great and tragic consequences.
Austrian Jews unable to leave. Many with American connections calling at Legation.
[Page 450]Connection established with several branches of police but effective intervention difficult because of their confused organization.
Two Americans under arrest Walter Salus whereabouts unknown and Gisela Gehbin in Elizabeth Promenade. Latter charged with Comintern activities. I understand she is interested in publishing business here and London, and put out Schuschnigg’s recent book Throes [Thrice] Austria.79a Officers of the Legation still endeavoring interview her.
Claims of Austrian creditors arising from Austro-German clearing agreement to be paid immediately. Exchange fixed at 2 schillings to 1 mark.
Numerous Nazi relief and work programs announced.
Situation here is worse than it ever was in Berlin.
- This office was that of Governor and personal representative of the Führer, which existed at the time for Bavaria and other provinces.↩
- Wilhelm Frick, Reich Minister of the Interior.↩
- Hjalmar Schacht, Reich Minister without Portfolio.↩
- The original title of this book, first published at Vienna in 1937, was Dreimal Österreich. The American edition had the title My Austria; the British edition, Farewell Austria, both published in 1938.↩