852.48/294: Telegram

The Consul at Geneva ( Bucknell ) to the Secretary of State

278. Your telegram 119, November 10, 7 p.m. I learn in a private conversation that so far as the Secretariat is aware neither the British nor French Governments have yet determined their policy respecting [Page 379] the Spanish refugee problem. Lord Halifax58 told Denys Bray that in his opinion the crux of the problem was the difficulty of getting supplies into Spain although the Spanish Government claims its losses do not exceed 5 percent. I understand that Chamberlain59 thought it might be necessary to obtain some assurances from Franco and referred to the possibility of designating a special port for refugee supplies and providing for the convoying of shipments. It is thought here that this matter may be discussed during the French and British conversations this week. In this connection I learn that the French authorities informally told a Secretariat official that before determining their own policy they wished to know what the British intended to do.

So far as the Secretariat is concerned the position is that it has promptly complied with the Council’s request and its present mandate is terminated. The next move is up to the Spanish Government, to individual members of the League or to the Council. Although the Spanish Government may appeal to the League for further assistance it is believed here that in any case that Government may appoint a food dictator as recommended in the Bray report, possibly either Bray or Webster. It is pointed out by Secretariat officials that the setting up of a food dictator by Government Spain would in no way prevent a non-partisan distribution of supplies to both sides.

Although I have no definite information it is thought here that the British and particularly the French are anxious to set up at least a skeleton relief organization on the Franco side before proceeding much further with assistance to the Government side.

  1. British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
  2. British Prime Minister.