The Spanish Ambassador (De los Rios) to the Secretary of State
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency’s note of the 9th instant, in which you are good enough to advise me that, after information had been given by the Department of State to the American Red Cross regarding the situation of a large part of the population of various regions of Spain—concerning [Page 371] which this Embassy had given details of all kinds to Your Department—the Executive Committee of that institution has authorized the purchase of 250,000 bushels of wheat to aid the civilian population, especially women and children, in proportion to the necessities felt in the various regions.
In accepting this donation of the American Red Cross, obtained with the cooperation of the Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation, I offer you my most sincere thanks in the name of my Government, for the generous attitude adopted by Your Excellency and Your Government with respect to this Spanish problem of a humanitarian character; and I request that Your Excellency will transmit to the American Red Cross the expression of my most heartfelt gratitude and inform it that my Government will cooperate not only with the American Friends Service Committee in the transportation of the flour from France and its distribution in Spain, but also in whatever may be required for the fulfillment of this mission, which is a continuation of the admirable tradition of your country, initiated with the people of Belgium.
I avail myself [etc.]