752.00114/14: Telegram

The Ambassador in Spain (Bowers), Then in France, to the Secretary of State

487. Marquis de Rialp, representing the Generalissimo, called today to request us to convey to Government at Barcelona a proposal for an exchange of aviator prisoners conditioned on their non-participation in the war hereafter. The Franco flyers whose names I have and will transmit by the pouch consist of 23 Italians, 1 Portuguese, and 5 Spaniards. The Franco prisoners they propose to trade consist of 3 Russians, 12 Spaniards—all the aviator prisoners held by Franco. To make up the difference he proposes to include 14 Americans of the International Brigade. These figures are most significant.

I can see no objection to our submitting this proposition by request to Barcelona. It does not affect our neutrality and is in line with what the British have been doing. Please wire your general reaction without a committal until you receive my despatch in next pouch.50

The Marquis also expressed a willingness to join in an agreement for exchange of children away from parents. This may conceivably have complications not discernible in the exchange of actual prisoners. We are acting here merely as a postal service between the two sides.

  1. No. 1510, May 20; not printed.